Jun 22, 20212 min

Getting To Know Sarah Beaulieu

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

The road to recovery in physical therapy is an ever-changing one, as every patient's journey is different and requires a new approach each time. Even with the same type of injury, each child needs a unique, individualized treatment plan catered to their needs as no two children are the same. This is what Sarah Beaulieu excels in-- developing a tailored approach to every patient she works with and making sure it fits their specific needs so their recovery goes as smooth as possible.

Sarah has a passion for educating her patients and their families about their diagnosis-- both how to fix it and how to prevent it from happening again in the future. Her goal is to get her patients healthy and happy and to have the tools and knowledge to be able to not have to return back to PT!

Sarah will tell anyone who listens that she truly has the best job in the world. Sharing patient successes along with their challenges on their road to recovery is one of her favorite parts of being a physical therapist. And seeing her patients make it to the end of their treatment plan and fully recovered is her ultimate goal. Sarah also leads our Schroth therapy program for scoliosis here at CTPO, which you can learn more about here and from our blog post!

Sarah's pursuit of a career in physical therapy was actually inspired by her own physical therapy journey after a knee injury when she was 13. Growing up right here in Austin, she sustained a knee injury while playing soccer and ended up having a total of 3 knee surgeries and several rounds of rehab before she made a full recovery. Her knee injury and recovery journey are what started her path to becoming a physical therapist and now she's a rockstar to all her patients like her therapists were to her!

In her free time she loves to stay active with outdoor activities like running on Lady Bird Lake, road cycling, and hiking the Greenbelt. You can also catch her taste testing all the new restaurants around town and spending time with her family and friends.

We're so lucky to have Sarah at CTPO, serving Central Texas with her amazing expertise and kindness! We're excited to have her continue to grow with us and can't wait to see what the future brings.
